
Record Wallet

This wallet is made out of a record. Some people still listen to these things, and I don't know why. They sound like static.

$135. That's only about $130 more than I'd pay. It might be worth more if Paul wasn't dead. Are you cheap like me? Check out the cassette tape wallet or the 8-track wallet.


Lightning Wallet

Black on black is pretty bad @$$ if you ask me. But I posted this for a another reason - so I could post another lightning wallet in the near future and make a lightning-strikes-twice joke. I'm hilarious, and you're welcome.

$24 plus $2.25 shipping
Lightning Bolt Wallet


Carbon Fiber Bifold

Hey, how cool is that? It's made of 100% cool cars with loud mufflers, and I want one. Not the wallet, I want a cool car with a loud muffler. The wallet is nice too, I guess.

$45 plus shipping
Carbon Fiber Bifold Wallet: Black / Green